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NatureSpeak Articles

Provisional Checklist of Whistler's Mammals

The following mammals are confirmed sightings for the Whistler region, many of which are supported by museum specimens, identified by Dr. Ian McTaggart Cown and C.J. Guiguet, authors of "The Mammals of British Columbia", Handbook No. 11, British Columbia Provincial Museum, published 1956 and reprinted one or more times henceforth.

Updates on this classic volume are now appearing as a series, order by order, as shown by the classification below.

The Whistler region is that shown on the "Checklist of Whistler Birds" (1996) is available at several outlets and distributed by the Whistler Naturalists Society. Latin nomenclature is shown in italics to avoid confusion on those species with two or more common names.

Order Insectivora - Shrews and Moles

Cinereus Shrew - Sorex cinereus

Dusky Shrew - Sorex obscurus

Navigator Shrew - Sorex palustris

Order Chiroptera - Bats

Silver-haired Bat - Lasiomyeteris noctivagans

Hoary Bat - Lasiurus cinereus

California Myotis - Myotis californicus

Keen Myotis - Myotis keeni

Little Brown Bat - Myotis lucifugus

Order Lagomorpha - Rabbits, Hares and Pikas

Rocky Mountain Pika - Ochotona princeps

Varying (Snowshoe) Hare - Lepus americanius

Order Rodentia - Rodents, Beavers and Squirrels

Hoary Marmot - Marmota caligata

Northwestern Chipmunk - Eutamias amoenus

Douglas Squirrel (Chickaree) - Tamiascirus douglasi

Northern Flying Squirrel - Glaucomys sabrinus

American Beaver - Castor canadensis

Deer (White-footed) Mouse - Peromyscus maniculatus

Bushy-tailed Wood (Pack) Rat - Neotoma cinera

Northern Bog Lemming - Synaptomys borealis

Mountain Heather Vole - Phenacomys intermedius

Boreal Redback Vole - Clethrionomys gapperi

Muskrat - Ondatra zibethica

Old World Rat - Rattus norvegicus

House Mouse - Mus musculus (old world origin)

Northwestern Jumping Mouse - Zapus trinotatus

Porcupine - Erethizon dorsatum

Order Carnivora - Flesh Eaters

Coyote - Canis latrans

Wolf - Canis lupus

American Black Bear - Euractos americanus

Grizzly Bear - Ursus arctos horribilis

Raccoon - Procyon lotor

Marten - Martes americana

Fisher - Martes pennanti

Short-tailed Weasel - Mustela erminea

Long-tailed Weasel - Mustela frenata

Mink - Mustela vison

Wolverine - Gulo luscus

Spotted Skunk - Spilogale gracilis

River Otter - Lutra canadensis

Cougar - Felix concolor

Bobcat - Lynx rufus

Order Artiodactyla - Ungulates

Coast (Columbia) Black-tailed Deer - Odocoileus hemionus columbianus

Moose - Alces americana

Mountain Goat - Oreamnos americanus

In addition to the above 43 species, the following are possibly in the region, but authoritative confirmation has yet to be retrieved by authorities at the Provincial Museum:

Big Brown Bat - Eptesicus fuscus

Long-eared Myotis - Myotis evolis

Yuma Myotis - Myotis yumanensis

Yellow-bellied Marmot - Marmota flaviventris

TownsendÕs Chipmunk - Eutamias townsendi

Long-tailed Vole - Microtus longicaudus

The other Rattus species

Red Fox - Vulpes fulva

Mule Deer - Odocoileus hemionus hemionus

So far, the pesky Gray squirrel, gray or black phase, ( Sciurus carolinensis ), an eastern species liberated in Stanley Park in 1914, has not reached the Whistler area, but it has moved as far north as Squamish in the last decade. Hopefully, proximity to tidewater will be the limit of its northward movements.

Upcoming Events:

Pitch in Day April 23 Ð Support the Naturalists by helping to clean up the Function Junction area. Meet at the Re-Use-Ut center at 9:30 a.m., and at the Fire Hall for a barbeque at noon.

Written by: Karl Ricker


Whistler Naturalists

© 2024 Whistler Naturalists


Whistler Naturalists Society
PO Box 845
Whistler, BC  V0N 1B0


WhistlerNaturalists [at]

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